Mikey Kowski is a freshman at Marshall High School was diagnosed with Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on February 5, 2018. Mikey has been receiving intensive chemotherapy treatments for several months and will require follow up treatments for an additional two years. Mikey spent most of his recent birthday and more than two weeks over the Thanksgiving holiday in the hospital due to side effects from chemotherapy.
Mikey’s has made a Make-A-Wish request to go on a trip to Alaska with his family. The Marshall Leos Club and Marshall High School’s Athletes for Excellence group are serving as his Make-A-Wish sponsor and will be holding a fundraiser at the Marshall boys’ basketball game on Thursday, December 20th. The Leos and Athlete for Excellence group will be holding bucket raffles and selling t-shirts, steak sandwiches, brat, hot dogs, chips, beverages and deserts at the fundraiser. The event starts at 5:00 PM at the Marshall High School.
The Make-A-Wish Program helps children battling life-threatening medical conditions. Make-A-Wish strives to personalize each wish and to make it match the child’s idea of a perfect day. A wish come true can help children feel stronger, better emotionally, more energetic, more willing, and able to battle their critical illnesses.
The Marshall Lions are sponsoring a Sharp 55″ 4K Ultra HD HDR Smart LED TV Raffle and a Fisher Price Mustang Boss 302 12-Volt Battery Powered Car Raffle. Tickets are $10 and can be obtained at the December 20th fundraiser or by contacting Lion Dave Easley (608-698-5526) or Becky Denniston at the Marshall High School (608-655-1310 Ext: 532). All proceeds from the event and raffles go toward making Mikey’s wish come true.

Sporty Mustang Boss 302 styling, Realistic dashboard with “radio” tunes, drives on hard surfaces and grass, drives two speeds forward 2.5 and 5 mph, max and includes 12-volt battery and charger.

Sharp 55″ Class 4K Ultra HD (2160P) HDR Smart LED TV
Please consider helping make Mikey’s wish come true!